[Korean Adventure] Memories
It’s been said so often that it has nearly become a cliché: it’s amazing how one can make such amazing friendships, how one can bond so strongly to people who were strangers just weeks ago, in the span of just two weeks.
I had the pleasure of personally experiencing the aforementioned, not once but twice, the latest being during the APEC Youth Plaza in Korea. I’ve been putting off posting a full post about my experience there, possibly because the memories, when juxtaposed against the slavery of National Service, induce nostalgia, longing and sadness.
Oh how sweet these memories are, how special they are!! I remember dancing Salsa with Colleen to the rock music emanating from a Korean DDR machine. I remember setting off fireworks and releasing paper boats along the Han River with Cindy and Jinny. I remember discussing horses and Mongolia with Laura by the seaside. I remember trying to dance Cha Cha (and failing terribly because I didn’t have the confidence to lead) with Brigitte. I remember drinking a little a lot with Ronin everyone on the first day every single day of the conference. I remember playing Korean drinking games with practically everyone, French games with Pierre, Simole, Melissa and co, and Chinese games with Tracy. I remember going up to a girl on a dare to try a Korean pickup line, which was both embarrassing and interesting. I remember gushing over 김태희 and전지현 with Moon and Jyun all the Korean and Japanese guys. I remember the goodbye scenes in the subway, the rush of air portending the arrival of the train, the chimed in sad music, the tears in our eyes and the feeling of despair and sadness.
To be continued…
I had the pleasure of personally experiencing the aforementioned, not once but twice, the latest being during the APEC Youth Plaza in Korea. I’ve been putting off posting a full post about my experience there, possibly because the memories, when juxtaposed against the slavery of National Service, induce nostalgia, longing and sadness.
Oh how sweet these memories are, how special they are!! I remember dancing Salsa with Colleen to the rock music emanating from a Korean DDR machine. I remember setting off fireworks and releasing paper boats along the Han River with Cindy and Jinny. I remember discussing horses and Mongolia with Laura by the seaside. I remember trying to dance Cha Cha (and failing terribly because I didn’t have the confidence to lead) with Brigitte. I remember drinking
To be continued…