Wednesday, November 02, 2005


And the tides have once again shifted to favour the Democrats, courtesy of a bold manoeuvre by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.

ate Majority Leader Bill Frist (the person shown above) had this to say. "This is an affront to me personally. This is an affront to our leadership. It is an affront to the United States of Amserica, and it is wrong."

Or, if I may summarise, "I've been owned."

Republicans have been crying foul over this development, calling it a stunt designed to draw media attention away from the recent White House nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. While some may consider this to be hypocritical as the said nomination came a few days after what pundits described as "Bush's worst week," we must conclude that this cannot be so as only Democrats pull stunts; Republicans are way too honorable to stoop to the same level as their liberal counterparts.

Yessir, the GOP stands for accountability, honour, and ethics, except when it came to Katrina. And Plamegate. And Tom Delay. And Haliburton. Yessir, the GOP stands for all these values, except when Republicans are involved; but on all other occasions, you can count on them to be beacons of moral rectitude and deliverers of justice.


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