Friday, September 02, 2005

[Korean Adventure] Memorable Quotes

Inspired by Pin’s post, I’ve decided to post some of the more memorable conversations I had or listened to during my two weeks at the APEC Youth Plaza. A word of caution: my memory faculty, damaged by two years of stupidity also affectionately know as National Service, isn’t what it used to be and thus, if you spot any misquoting, do forgive me (I emphasise that embellishment is not my aim).

PS: I will be using pseudonyms to hide some of the identities.

See: *random comment about Korean drinking parties*
Me: When in Korea, do as the Koreans do.
Dantes: When in Korea, do the Koreans.

Vishal: Do you know what’s better than alcohol?
Steve: Sex?
Vishal: Dude, no… More alcohol!

Stephanie, who has already drank a lot, lost another bout of the drinking game we were playing.
Daniel Smith: Hey Stef, just get someone to drink it for you.
Stephanie: Hey! I’m Canadian. *proceeds to finish the shot in front of her*

Anonymous Korean Girl: Sorry for whining so much. Haha, typical girl behaviour.
Anonymous Playboy: No problem. I believe they call it 공주* in Korean?
Anonymous Korean Girl (blushes and giggles): Thank you.
Anonymous Playboy: Oh wait, I think I remembered the wrong phrase. It ought to be공주병**.
Anonymous Korean Girl: What!!!

*공주 means Princess
**공주병 means Princess Disease

John is only 18, but he is highly intelligent and will be applying to Princeton this year. Unfortunately, he hails from Texas and is an ardent Bush supporter.
John: I believe in freedom and democracy.
Pin: And how do you define freedom and democracy?
John: Freedom and democracy is what we gave the Iraqis.
*To avoid getting slapped with an Adult Rating for violence and gore, I shall not describe the ensuing bloodbath. However, I can reveal that he was verbally hammered by seven liberals who were all decidedly anti-Bush. Use your own imagination*


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