Friday, March 25, 2005

Cooking Session

Colin, Tuck Chen and Terence (my office-friends) came over for dinner yesterday, and I must say it was a most enjoyable occasion.

For one, the conversational topics were rather intellectual, which was to be expected from members of an Intelligence Branch where MILF stands for "Moro Islamic Liberation Front" and not "Mum I Love to Fuck."

Philosophy? Meta-physics? Theory of Relativity?

Nope, for we discussed issues which required far greater mental facilities and insights.

1) Why is it that guys who are not from RJ think that RJ girls are incredibly hot/cute/gorgeous/ravishing but RJ guys think they are just average?
2) Is it better to have a girlfriend from Science or from Arts/Humanities?
3) Our bosses (READ: bitching)

All in all, it was pretty good fun, and I think Tuck (Agent T), Terence (Agent P) and I learnt quite a lot from Master Chef Colin, who remarked that the steak dish he was teaching us (Steak with Bernaise sauce) was a good dish to prepare if one wanted to impress someone special.

I’ve this weird feeling that I was the intended recipient of that not-so-subtle quip.


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