Friday, March 11, 2005

Habit Becomes Second Nature

“Habit becomes second nature,” my mother used to warn when I was young and innocent.

And yesterday, I realised the veridicality of that mantra. I was talking to a friend over the phone, and was being all Daniel-like (READ: being sardonic, or at least trying to be). Now this wouldn’t normally be a problem, except my friend was a girl!

There’s a time and place for everything, and yesterday night was definitely not it. Plus I sincerely believe that girls ought to be treated with the utmost respect and civility. Do note that I’m not being sexist here--- I’m totally for equal rights and pay; not to mention I’ve got some female friends whom I’m so in awe of that it borders on hero worship. However, I don’t think that’s an excuse to forsake chivalry and gallantry.

Sigh, the consequences of being in an office whose inhabitants’ pastimes are bantering and messing with people’s minds. Don’t get me wrong, I think it's amazing fun, just that I can’t seem to turn it off.

I can just imagine what Ming De would say if I told him about it:

Ming De: So what happened to Mr “All-girls-should-be-treated-like- goddesses?”

No prizes for guessing whether he’s from my office.


Blogger jEsTeR said...

Tsk tsk..

How can you say that? We threw a whole party in your honour! Four guys slaving over a hot stove just for you! =P

4:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thing with gods and godesses is that they are worshipped and idolized,. I mean how many of you think of sleeping with Jesus or Buddha or Guan Yin?

And yeah, please don't answer that question!

4:44 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Ming De person sounds like a really awesome guy, he has the right ideas, can I have his autograph? And you've done nothing wrong, except giving the females the equality they wanted. I mean, if they want equality, then they shouldn't complain when guys treat them like mere mortals, but then again, MOST guys do do that... =)

8:39 pm  

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