Monday, March 21, 2005


In my opinion, a visit to the dentist is one of the most traumatic experiences one can have. After all, one is strapped to a chair, and at the mercy of an evil masked man who has at his disposal razor-sharp tools, and long metallic pipes which look disturbingly like tentacles in a low-budget Hentai show (and just to clarify, I don't watch such shows; as to how I know such stuff; well, any male who tells you he has never, at any point in his life, seen Hentai or Pornography is lying; and yes, males actually grow up and out of it).

I just came back from such a visit, and it was more distressing than normal, for the wise dentist discouraged me from extracting my wisdom teeth. His advice, wise as it may be, means that I need to find another way to get myself extracted from BMT. Sigh, what a root shock, for the idea that the aforementioned operation would be my bridge to freedom has already been implanted in my mind. Unless my other plans work, I shall have to brace myself for 7 weeks of hell.


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