Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Over the past month, I have received feedback from one sister, two cousins, three office-mates and four friends about my blog. According to them, I’m melodramatic and theatrical, and am highly likely to distort the truth.

I would like to point out that if that were always the truth, I would either be writing that they felt I was perpetually factual and unbiased, or I would be complaining that they threatened to put a contract on me unless I desisted.

But I digress.

To the perpetrators of this cruel act of libel, let it be known that in order to pander to your weird tastes, I shall greatly understate everything in this post.

There may be an iota of truth in the aforementioned criticism about my writing.
I have a slight weakness for pink and white on girls.
I’m mildly excited by the idea of a Victorian ballroom, tailcoats, white gowns, Handkuss (Hand Kiss) and other trappings of a traditional Viennese Ball.
I am not overjoyed with having to spend two years of my time in NS.
I admit to occasionally thinking that perhaps army regulars aren’t geniuses.
I’m smitten with her.


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