Sunday, February 06, 2005

Oh How Hard We Work

“You have such a slack job!”

The above accusation was uttered by a female friend, and I think it’s highly unfair. To show the extent of the injustice done, I have decided to adumbrate a typical working day.

0800-1000: NSF rapport-building session (Read: NSF bitching about their bosses)
1000-1130: Do work while concurrently complaining about regulars via MSN
1130-1300: Lunch, which is also normally spent grumbling about our superiors
1300-1430: Work, on top of discussing why our higher-ups are so screwed up.
1430-1730: Another rapport-building session

As you can see, we are very committed to our work. Not to mention that it takes a lot of effort and mental capacity to think of pithy and intellectual statements (to be used during our rapport-building sessions) like “NS sucks” or “regulars are losers”.

In fact, at this very moment this entry is being crafted, a friend from another section is playing “Championship Manager 4”, no doubt to keep his mind sharp so he can better meet the needs of the SAF. Gosh, the extent of our diligence and dedication surprises even me.


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