Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Benedict Arnold

As I sit here, contemplating on what I should write, it strikes me that my knowledge of the arts is extremely limited, non-existent even. However, two years in the JC Science stream have equipped me with the necessary defensive mechanisms.

The four steps to deal with such thoughts (in chronological order):

1) Deny

“I’m well-versed in the arts. I’m well-versed in the arts. I’m well-versed in the arts…(Rinse, repeat and recycle)”

2) Belittle

“So what if my knowledge of the arts is limited? What good is it? Physics will allow me to become an engineer, and my life will become meaningful.”

3) Disparage

“Those arts students are too diaphanous for words. They need to be less abstract and be more practical like science students.”

4) Blame

“It’s not my fault---my teachers did not expose me to the arts. Blame them, not me!”

Fortunately, I am not a loyal science student. So excuse me while I do a Benedict Arnold, and jump ship. Tata~!


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