Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Office Antics

Yesterday, I had a chat conversation with a friend whom I had not spoken to for quite a long time.

Latingirl: Everyone thinks I am weird.
Me: Of course you are not. I think you are perfectly normal, and charming too.
Latingirl: You don't know me well enough.

The worse things about MSN conversations is you can’t judge, based on the other party’s facial expressions, whether she means it in jest. But, I would rather err on the wrong side of caution than risk her feeling unhappy.

Thus the game plan: to regale her with tales of how weird I am in office so as to make her seem normal by comparison. And so I started; I told her about how I would waltz around the corridors, how I would ask stupid questions like whether it was possible to get a girl pregnant by injecting semen into her bloodstream, etc. Halfway-through the mission, I realised one important fact: I was truly strange, at least in the office. Who else asks questions like why people don’t build hotels on mountains --- that way mountain climbers don’t have to sleep in tents at night.

Was I revelling in getting a raise out of people? Was I secretly laughing at people’s ineptness to realise that they were being tricked? Was I trying to mask the reality of being incarcerated by asylum-like behaviour? Was I playing out the role of a jester?


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